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Bill Maher Admits Ron DeSantis Was Right About Disney

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  • Source: Bongino
  • 04/22/2024
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Bill Maher surprisingly came to the defense of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis during his monologue over the weekend. 

He began by speaking about the “Quiet on Set” documentary on Netflix, which exposed child sexual abuse on the kid’s network Nickelodeon, before pointing out that “It didn’t just expose a dangerous workplace, it also exposed hypocrisy. Because, it must be pointed out that when the evil governor of Florida was saying the exact same thing about kids and creepy stuff at Disney that liberals now find intolerable at Nickelodeon, he was dismissed as a hick and a bigot.”

“But why would a kid’s content factory like Disney be all that different than the one at Nickelodeon?” Maher continued. “A 2014 CNN report discovered that at least 35 Disney employees had been arrested for sex crimes against children. And in 2021, Disney child star Alyson Stoner confessed she only narrowly survived the toddler-to-trainwreck pipeline. The next year, child star Cole Sprouse told The New York Times that young actresses at the Disney Channel were heavily sexualized from an early age.” Maher also pointed out that Brian Peck, one of those exposed in “Quiet on Set,” was hired by Disney after he served a 16 month prison sentence for child molestation. 

“DeSantis wasn’t wrong! But we’re so tribal now, the left will overlook child f—ing if the guy from the wrong party calls it out,” Maher added.

He later turned his attention to the left’s embrace of sexual debauchery in the form of “drag queen story hour,” stating “Not that there’s anything wrong with being a drag queen, but maybe it’s time to admit that sometimes drag queen story hour is more for the queen than the kids. Sure, kids love a clown, but does the clown have to have tits? And when I see a five year old tipping [a drag queen] at a bar under a sign that says “It’s not going to lick itself” Do I have to pretend that’s cool in order to keep my liberal ID card? Sorry, I can’t do that.”

He concluded by referring to the left endlessly talking to children about gender and sexuality as “entrapment,” which was an odd word choice when he clearly meant to say “grooming.” “I never used the term gay agenda before because I thought it was mostly nonsense…. And it is… mostly.” 

Watch in full below: 

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